
Easy Touch Insurtech Platform

End to End automated online proprietary insurance platform.

Grid-Based Demand Forecast

  • Grids based on the economic activity in each region with the localized GDP as the datum.
  • GDP is based on cultivable land acreage in rural geographies and/or per capita income in urban geographies.
  • Spatial Data Analysis to forecast demand and insurance needs
  • India is mapped into grids.
  • Specialized GIS teams manage the platform

Fastest Quote to Cash process

  • Custom quotes for specialized needs
  • Multiple payment options
  • Real-time policy generation
Spot Commissions.
  • POSPs get instant commission payment options on policies generated
  • Options of instant payments or incentivized deferred payments based on POSP choice
  • AI-driven fraud control

API Driven Claims initiation

  • One touch claim initiation process
  • API-driven claim management driven by reputed third party source to ensure transparency and avoid conflict of interest
  • Builds trust leading to a subscription based relationship with customers

Automated renewal reminders

  • Automated payment reminders to customers and POSPs
  • Renewal and bonus logics integrated into the system by provider
  • Automatic commission calculations and instant reconciliation